National Night Out
It's a fun summer block party with all your Museum District neighbors. Learn about ways to curtail crime in the neighborhood too!
Event date: Tuesday, august 3, 2021 I 6-8PM
Join us for the 36th Annual National Night Out in the Museum District with neighbors, police, firefighters, and public officials. This year’s event is being held at Albert Hill Middle School Park directly across the street from Albert Hill Middle School on Patterson Avenue.
Events such as this help us to get to know each other and keep our neighborhood safe. Please share information about the association with your new neighbors. Mark your calendar now and let us know if you can attend!
UPDATE: SATURDAY, august 7, 2021
Thanks to everyone that was able to come to out to our National Night Out gathering and special thanks to The Richmond Concert Band for providing entertainment on such an unseasonable beautiful August evening! Pictures from the event can be found below.